Addison's Disease
Everything is low except potasium
Low Sugar
Low Sodium
Everything is low except potasium
Low Sugar
Low Sodium
Low Blood Pressure
Low Weight
Low cortisol
Surgical removal of adrenal gland, infection, autoimmune, or abruptly stopping steroids (Addisonian Crisis).
Fatigue, anorexia, vitiligo (white patches on the skin) nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and all the symptoms of hyponatremia.
Corticosteroids. Treat hypoglycemia and hypovolemia. Monitor EKG (Hyperkalemia), sodium levels (seizures). Avoid Addisonian crisis.
The client has low adrenal hormones (mainly cortisol and aldosterone). Aldosterone ↑ sodium & ↓ potassium. If aldosterone is LOW: ↓ sodium & ↑ Potassium. This is why the client is hyponatremic and hyperkalemic.
Monitor for Tall Peaked T waves
Wear a medical bracelet
Monitor for rebound Cushing's
To avoid Addisonian Crisis
Think Shock (hypotension, fluid loss). Extreme Addison’s: fever, syncope, convulsions, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Stress, infection, abruptly stopping steroids
Seizures precautions due to hyponatremia
Fluid resuscitation. Dextrose. Monitor for hyperkalemia
Due to dehydration & hypotension