Brain tumors can cause a range of symptoms, depending on their location and size, including seizures, memory problems, personality changes, and weakness or numbness in the limbs.
Morning headaches
Ataxia (Impaired coordination)
Behavioral changes
Facial weakness
Headaches & facial weakness
↑ Intracranial Pressure
Sluggish pupils
Uneven pupils
Changes in vital signs
Changes in LOC
Bulging fontanelle (in infants)
Measure head circumference
Early vs Late Signs of ↑ ICP
The early signs of increased ICP may include headache, vomiting, and nausea.As ICP continues to rise, patients may experience altered mental states, confusion, lethargy, and changes in vision. Late signs of increased ICP can include seizures, decreased level of consciousness, and coma. In some cases, intracranial hypertension can lead to herniation of the brain, which is a life-threatening condition.
Early signs are nausea, vomiting, and headache
Post-operative care
Assess neuro status
Monitor for meningitis (Kernig’s and Brudzinski’s sign)
Monitor for ↑ ICP
Monitor for bleeding
Administer antiseizure medications
Monitor for colorless drainage on dressing, ears, or nose. It indicates CSF. Assess for the presence of glucose and notify HCP immediately.
Position on non-operative side
Never place on Trendelenburg position, even if hypotensive, to prevent ↑ ICP.