Administer Oxygen
Apical pulse: left fifth intercostal space, midclavicular line.
Chest pain that increases with respirations is due to a pulmonary problem. For a client with chest pain, ask “does pain increase with breathing?” to find out if the client is having a heart attack or a pulmonary problem.
Is due to heart failure/Fluid overload
Hypertension always shows up.
ECG- fast to do
Most of the blood flow to the coronary arteries is supplied during diastole.
Nausea, drowsiness, photophobia, diarrhea, headache, anxiety and seeing halos around bright objects.
Sedation, pain relief, decreases anxiety, decreases myocardial oxygen demand.Â
Measure at 30 degrees. HOB 30 degrees.
Right sided heart failure at risk for developing renal failure: watch for oliguria, elevated potassium, weight gain (fluid retention) & elevated BUN and creatinine.
PR interval is > 0.20. Everything else is normal.Â
Assess for bleeding
The client is a 61-year-old African American admitted with chest pain that radiates to the jaw and left arm. The pain started 1.5 hours ago and has not subsided. The client is diaphoretic and nauseous. The client took nitroglycerin sublingual x 3 tabs with no relief. The client’s wife then called 911. Client has a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes type 2. No smoking. Drinks 1/2 glass of wine every night.
Patient is alert and oriented in visible acute distress due to chest pain. Wife at the bedside. c/o chest pain rated 8 out of 10 that feels “like a brick is on his chest”. Skin warm and moist. S1 S2 present. No extra sounds. Lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally. All peripheral pulses 2+. Bowel sounds active x 4 quadrants. Â
Temp 98.0 F, BP 181/100, HR 98 bpm, RR 22.Â
BMI 25
Time's up
Time's up