There is a high incidence in homosexuals, bisexuals, IV drug users, hemophiliacs, heterosexual partners of infected people, breastfeeding, transplants, pregnancy, and children of infected women.
HIV is NOT spread through casual contact
Diagnostic test: Elisa first (screening test) then do Western Blot to confirm.
Due to immunosuppression, HIV client’s can get infections and cancer.
Candida infections in the mouth and esophagus. Â
Cancer of the skin. #1 Cancer in HIV clients. Assess for persistent, nonhealing lesions.
Other pulmonary disorder HIV clients are at risk for is Tuberculosis (weight loss, fever, & night sweats.
Assess for the presence of painless, swollen lymph nodes.
Clients with AIDS have ↓ RBCs, ↓ WBCs and ↓ platelets.
Reverse isolation with private room
Bleeding precautions. No IM injections, no rectal thermometers.
Think of exposure. Wear goggles with suctioning and procedures that involve blood exposure. No mask required unless on isolation or splashing. No need to double bag belongings unless contaminated.
Clean with 1:10 solution of bleach and water if surfaces are contaminated with client’s blood.