Dry mouth, thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision, weakness, and headache.
Insulin. Hydration. Oral hypoglycemics for DM type 2, diet, & exercise.
Diabetics who are non-compliant. Stress. Surgery. Sepsis. Steroids
Monitor glucose. Electrolytes. Hydration. Educate.Â
Diaphoresis (sweaty), Palpitations, Headache, Irritability and Shakiness, Fatigue, Weakness, Confusion, Can lead to a coma and seizures without treatment
15 grams of carbohydrates if conscious (juice, OJ, skim milk, soda). If unconscious, give Dextrose 50% IV or Glucagon IV or IM.Â
Too much insulin, too much oral hypoglycemics, too much exercise, & not eating enough
Check blood sugar 15 minutes after treatment. Education.Â