Causes: Accidental removal of the parathyroid gland during a thyroidectomy. Genetic. Exposure to radiation. Magnesium Depletion. Think CATS for symptoms.
Chvostek's Sign
Tap on the facial nerve by the ear and tetany/spasms of all facial muscles occur.
Arrhythmias. Prolonged QT interval. Ventricular tachycardia
Trousseau's Sign
Trousseau’s Sign/Tetany, Inflate BP cuff to 20mm Hg above systolic, hold x 3 min ⇒Tetany/spasms of the hand
Seizures/Spasms/Stridor. Laryngospasms and dyspnea. Slow clotting factors: Bleeding
Thyroidectomies and Parathyroidectomies. Surgery close to airway. Swelling & bleeding can close airway.
IV calcium gluconate. Give slow and watch for infiltration. It is hard on the veins.
Dysphagia. Monitor for aspiration
In hypocalcium, phosphorus may be high. Give binders such as Calcium acetate and Sevelamer. Vitamin D supplement to help with calcium absorption.