
Hypomagnesemia under 1.5 mg/dl

Causes of HYPOmagnesemia

Click on the headings to expose content: The MAFIA of the causes of hypomagnesemia

  • Malabsorption: Diseases that cause poor absorption of nutrients such as Celiac and Crohn’s DiseaseMalnutrition: e.g., Pregnancy

Alcoholism leads to increased magnesium excretion.  Remember that alcohol acts like a diuretic!

Fluid Losses such as NG tube to suction, Nausea, Vomiting, diarrhea, and Diuretics

  • Simple. Not enough magnesium in the diet.
  • Foods with magnesium: Chocolate, Cauliflower, Veggies, Avocados, peas, bananas, oranges, milk, peanut butter, pork, and nuts.

Aminoglycosides:  Gentamicin, Tobramycin, Amikacin, and Streptomycin

Signs and Symptoms Hypomagnesemia

Click on the headings to expose content. The D’s of hypomagnesemia

Breathing goes wild. Increased, shallow breathing.

Wild poop

  • If may be hypomagnesemia, but DTR’s are wild and increased.
  • Tetany and tremors
  • Clonus- rhythmic, spasmic reflexes
  • Low magnesium also causes numbness and tingling (like low calcium!)

Hypomagnesemia EKG changes to remember: Depressed ST segment, inverted T wave and Torsades 

  • Increased Heart rate.
  • Here is what low magnesium is famous for- torsades!
  • A variation of ventricular tachycardia that is polymorphic (changes in form)

Wild Seizures, confusion, and insomnia. You want to sleep better after studying, take a magnesium supplement. Pacify the Wild D’s of hypomagnesemia.


Difficulty swallowing

Low magnesium is famous for Torsades

Nursing Interventions

  • Assess respiratory status
  • Administer Magnesium supplements (IV or PO)
  • Monitor EKG rhythm (Torsades!)
  • Seizure precations
  • Give foods high in magnesium: Chocolate, Cauliflower, Veggies, Avocados, peas, bananas, oranges, milk, peanut butter, pork, and nuts.

Foods high in Magnesium

Click on the letters to expose the content: MOBCAP foods high in magnesium




Chocolate and Cauliflower


Pork, peanut butter and nuts, and peas

HYPERmagnesemia over 2.5

Causes of HYPERmagnesemia

Click on the letters to expose the content: HARD the causes of hypermagnesemia


  • Addison’s Disease
  • Antacids with magnesium
  • Administration of IV magnesium (excessive)

Renal insufficiency: Decrease renal excretion of magnesium

Diabetic Ketoacidosis (magnesium exits the cells)

Signs and symptoms of HYPERmagnesemia

Click on the headings to expose content: Did I say magnesium relaxes you?

  • Hypotension and bradycardia
  • Prolonged PR interval and Widened QRS
  • It is a sedative
  • CNS depression
  • Causes decreased energy, lethargy, drowsiness, and even coma
  • Given to pregnant patients with pre-eclampsia to prevent seizures because it RELAXES brain. 

Decreases respiratory rate. Think Decreased shallow respirations

Relaxes/decreases bowel sounds

Decreases Deep Tendon Reflexes. Good way to monitor toxicity! Check DTRs

Nursing Interventions

  • Diuretics
  • IV Calcium Gluconate or IV Calcium Chloride in severe hypermagnesemia with cardiac and respiratory consequences.
  • Diet: Limit foods with high magnesium
  • Avoid laxatives and Antacids with magnesium
  • Hemodialysis
  • Monitor DTR’s for signs of toxicity. Pregnant women with pre-eclampsia get magnesium infusions to prevent seizures/eclampsia.  For these clients, monitor respiratory status and DTRs to check for toxic hypermagnesemia. The goal of therapy is a magnesium level of 4 to 7 mg/dl.
  • The symptoms of pre-eclampsia are epigastric pain, blurred vision, and a headache.  Magnesium is excreted by the kidneys for monitor kidney function/urine output. If signs of renal failure develop, stop the infusion.
  • Once the baby is born, monitor the baby for respiratory depression and the mother for bleeding (hypermagnesemia causes uterine atony). 
  • The antidote for magnesium is calcium gluconate. 
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