Safety: Can’t feel so client can burn easily. Keep room cool
Safety: Fall Precautions
Safety: ⇓ Stress and overexertion
Safety: Prevent UTIs; Acid Ash diet; Treat urinary retention
Stool Softeners
Uhthoff’s Sign: Client gets too much heat (weather, exercise, emotional) and MS symptoms get worst. Keep client from overheating. Prevent over exercise, avoid hot temperatures, and avoid emotional stress. Â
Key words
Coughing while eating? Think Aspiration. Clients with multiple sclerosis have dysphagia.
All the symptoms here are expected of multiple sclerosis. Dysphagia is expected, but not aspiration! This requires follow up.
Steroids= hyperglycemia. This is practical knowledge. Once you get your first job, if you have a client on steroids, expect elevated glucose levels and insulin scale.
Select all that apply:
I hope that if you see “difficult to arouse” and “slow shallow breathing,” you know that these symptoms require follow up. Something is wrong. They are UNEXPECTED!
For multiple Sclerosis: Positive Romberg sign (when a client is able to stand with feet together and eyes open, but sways or falls with eyes closed).
For Multiple Sclerosis: Lhermitte’s sign: Sudden feeling of electric shocks down the back of the neck and spine and radiates to arms and legs.
For multiple Sclerosis: Uhthoff’s Sign: Client gets too much heat (hot weather/excessive exercise) and MS symptoms get worst. Keep client from overheating. Prevent over exercise, avoid hot temperatures, and avoid emotional stress.
For Acute Cholecystitis:Â Murphy’s sign is elicited in patients with acute cholecystitis by asking the patient to take in and hold a deep breath while palpating the right subcostal area.
Never restrict fluids on a client who is at high risk for UTI’s.
Foley catheters place clients at a high risk for infection
Going to the bathroom hourly is not a good choice because the problem is not urge incontinence, but inability to empty bladder.
If the client had urge incontinence then developing a bladder program/schedule would be appropriate.