Parkinson’s Disease

What is it?

  • Affects the substantia nigra of the midbrain, which leads to the depletion of the neurotransmitter dopamine. 
  • Affects older adults (> 60)
  • Most common signs and symptoms are tremors


  • Tremors at rest, which improvement with movement
  • Tremors of: hands, fingers, arms, legs, lips, & tongue.
  • “Pill-rolling” = tremors of hands and fingers
  • Poor Coordination
  • Changes in writing
  • Shuffling Gate
  • Freezing of Extremities


  • Loss of smell
  • Constipation
  • Swallowing/Speech problems
  • Slow movements (bradykinesia)
  •  ↓ Facial Expression
  • Handwriting gets small
  • Depression is a major problem


  • Constipation: Increase fiber and fluids
  • Chewing/swallowing: Soft foods such as scrambled eggs.
  • Shuffling gait: low heels w/smooth soles. No rubber sole shoes.
  • Wear easy to put on clothes: Velcro pants, Non-slip socks, and pull over sweatshirts. No buttons


  • Freezing of the extremities while walking.
  • Try changing direction
  • Walk with a partner
  • Use can with laser point when walking
  • Consciously lift legs as if marching
  • Do not just push through the freeze ups. Does not work.


  • Levodopa is considered the most effective treatment for symptoms but can cause side effects such as dyskinesia, nausea, and hallucinations at high doses.
  • Dopamine agonists can stimulate dopamine receptors and reduce symptoms, but may have side effects such as nausea, dizziness, and hallucinations. (Ropinirole)
  • MAO-B inhibitors, which block the enzyme that breaks down dopamine, can help preserve dopamine levels in the brain but can cause insomnia, constipation, and lightheadedness. Must avoid foods with tyramine. (Rasagiline)
  • COMT inhibitors, which help prolong the effects of levodopa, may cause diarrhea, nausea, and dyskinesia. (Entacapone, tolcapone).
  • Anticholinergics can also be used to reduce tremors but have side effects such as dry mouth, blurred vision, and confusion (Benztropine)


  • Takes up to 3 weeks to work
  • Body fluids may turn dark/stain clothes
  • Vitamin B6 foods/supplement ↓ absorption
  • Do not take Carbidopa/Levodopa with high protein food because it competes with protein in small intestine.
  • Carbidopa prevents levodopa from breaking down before getting to the brain.
  • Entacapone (Comtan), a COMT enzyme inhibitor may be given to make Carbodopa/levodopa last longer in the body.


  • Ropinirole or Requip
  • Dopamine promoter
  • Also used in restless leg syndrome
  • Side effect: Drowsiness. 
  • Do not drive or operate machinery for safety


  • Brand name Azilect
  • MAO B inhibitor that slows breakdown of dopamine in brain
  • Like MAO inhibitors do not eat foods with tyramine to prevent hypertensive crisis
  • NO aged cheese, smoked/cured meets, fermented food or beer.


  • Brand name Congentin
  • Anticholinergic that reduces muscle spasms and rigidity
  • Contraindicated in Glaucoma
  • Side effects: Drowsiness, dizziness, constipation, flushing, nausea, nervousness, blurred vision, or dry mouth
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