Polycythemia Vera

Polycythemia Vera

A myeloproliferative disorder characterized by an overproduction of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in the bone marrow.

Red face due to excess red blood cells

Blood Viscosity

The body produces an excessive number of blood cells, leading to increased blood volume and viscosity. Elevated red blood cell count results in hyperviscosity and increased risk of thrombosis.

Clinical Manifestations

Hypertension, headache, and erythromelalgia (redness, warmth, and burning pain) due to impaired blood flow, dizziness, tinnitus, Red face,  burning/itching skin, organ infarcts (heart, brain), elevated uric acid and gout.

Headaches, ringing in the ears and dizziness
Therapeutic phlebotomy


Therapeutic phlebotomy to reduce blood volume and viscosity, along with the management of symptoms and complications. Hydration. Anticoagulants.


Clients don’t live very long and die of a stroke or myocardial infaction

Heart attacks and strokes

Too many RBCs leading to increased hematocrit, hypervolemia, hyperviscosity, and hypertension.  Clients with COPD who have chronic hypoxia may start making many RBCs to compensate.


Treatment for Polycythemia Vera  HAPA
H  Hydration to reduce viscosity
A Apheresis/Avoid Alcohol
P Phlebotomy (removal of RBCs to reduce viscosity)
A Anticoagulants (reduce the risk for clots)/Avoid Iron.

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