
Positioning Clients

HOB 30 to 45 degrees

  • Head Injury
  • Increased Intracranial Pressure
  • Prevent Aspiration
  • Post-Supratentorial Surgery


  • Client is placed in a sitting position, bending over the bedside table or side-lying if unable to sit.

Lumbar Puncture

  • Lateral Knee-Chest position or fetal position

Post Lumbar Puncture or Myelogram with Oil-Based Dye

  • Supine with HOB flat to prevent headache and leaking of CSF

Liver Biopsy

  • During procedure, position the client on the left side (access to liver).  After procedure, position the client on the right side to put pressure on the insertion site and prevent bleeding. 

Study these positions as flash cards

Elevate Extremity

High fowlers

  • Position on the  right to promote gastric emptying
  • Elevate HOB to prevent aspiration.

Elevated HOB

  • Sim’s position (forward side-lying with knees flexed)

Sitting leaning forward

Client’s arms over pillows on table

Orthopneic position


  • During the procedure: Lateral/side lying
  • Post procedure: FLAT supine for 4-12 hours to prevent headache and CSF leakage
  • This position is also for Oil-Based Myelogram
  • Side Lying
  • Semi-Fowlers
  • Affected arm elevated on pillow
  • Turning ⇒ back or unaffected side
  • Low or semi-fowler’s, support head, neck, and shoulders.
  • Prevent neck flexion/hyperextension
  • Have trach at the bedside
  • Be concerned if client has stridor (noisy breathing) since airway may be closing.
  • Upright w / legs dangling over side of the bed (decreases venous return and lung congestion)
  • During procedure- supine w/arms raised above head.
  • Post-procedure- right lateral (side-lying) with small pillow under puncture site to apply pressure
  • Deferred shoulder pain is EXPECTED
  • Abdomen rigid and distended = hemorrhage

Lateral (Side-Lying)

  • Semi-fowler’s or high-fowler’s (30 degrees)
  • Head midline
  • Goal is to decrease intracranial pressure


  • Semi-fowlers
  • or sitting upright w/ feet supported
  • Obtain BP after procedure since fluid is removed (ascites) and blood pressure may drop.
  • Removes fluid from thoracic cavity
  • Sitting at the edge of the bed leaning over w/feet supported
  • or lying in bed on unaffected side HOB elevated 45 degrees
  • Shave around needle insertion

  • Keep abduction pillow between legs 
  • Avoid ADDUCTION or sleeping on operated side
  • Don’t flex hip more than 45 to 60 degrees
  • Don’t elevate HOB more than 45 degrees
  • Trapeze bar can help client move in bed
  • Side-lying ok but wedge pillow must be between legs.
  • 1st 24 hours ⇒ foot of bed elevated
  • Prone 20-30 minutes BID (stretches muscles and prevents hip contractures and promotes hip extension)
  • 1st 24 hours ⇒ elevate on pillow
  • Prone 20-30 minutes BID to promote hip extension (stretches muscles and prevents hip contractures and promotes hip extension) 
  • Sleep on Back or on non-operative side with a night shield for 1-4 weeks
  • Immediate post-op ⇒ face down
  • Dependent position. For example if left retinal detatchment, lay on left side, which will place retina on a dependent position.
  • that is, area of detachment should be in dependent position.
  • Turn client to the left side and lower the head of the bed. Left Trendelenberg
  • Non-reassuring = late decelerations, decreased variability, fetal bradycardia
  • Turn on the left side, give Oxygen, STOP pitocin, and ↑ IV fluids.
  • LION: Left-lying, IV Fluids, Oxygen and d/c Oxytocin, Notify provider.
  • A myelogram is an imaging test that takes detailed pictures of the spine.  An oil-based contrast can be used.
  • Client lies flat supine to prevent headache and CSF leakage.
  • Also flat supine after lumbar puncture!
  • Catheter must be taped to thigh and leg should be straight. It should also be in a dependent position.  
  • Position on side of affected ear after surgery to allow drainage of secretions
  •  Myringotomy involves making a small opening in the eardrum to drain fluid and relieve pressure from the middle ear
  • Position prone to protect sac from rupture
  • Knee-chest postion or Trendelenburg
  • This is skin traction.
  • Elevate foot of bed for counter-traction.
  • Position on back or in infant car seat to prevent trauma to suture line. While feeding, hold in upright position.
  • After gastric surgery, eat in reclining position, lie down for meals 20-30 minutes
  • Restrict fluids with meals
  • Low carbohydrates and low fiber diet
  • Give small frequent meals.
  • Incision is behind the hairline. 
  • Elevate HOB 30-45 Degrees
  • Incision on the nape of the neck (Infra-below)
  • Position flat and lateral on either side
  • Position left side-lying or Sim’s position with knee flexed
  • Bedrest with implant in place
  • Sitting position with HOB elevated (decreases blood pressure).  This is the priority intervention.  Remember that! Then check for impaction, bladder distension, anything bothering the client. 
  • Signs and symptoms: headache, sweating, nasal congestion, goose flesh, bradycardia and hypertension.
  • Bedrest with extremities elevated 20 degrees, knees straight, head slightly elevated (modified trendelenburg). Goal is to increase blood flow to the upper body while preventing aspiration.
  • Turn from side to side and then check for kinks in tubing to promote outflow.

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