Some STIs you should know

  • Syphilis is a bacterial infection caused by Treponema Pallidum (Gram negative spirochete).
  • It is sexually transmitted and it affects both men and women.
  • It is spread through direct contat with a syphilis sore during vaginal, oral, or anal sex.
  • Sores occur mostly on the genitals, rectum, or mouth. But they can occur anywhere in the body.
  • Penicillin is the treatment.  If Penicillin allergy, give Tetracycline.

Stages of Syphilis


Chancre (indurated, painless sore) and lymphadenopathy, usually painless

NCLEX Alert: Painless lesion= Syphilis

Rash on truck, palms, soles of feet = Syphilis in a sexually-active client.


Disseminated rash on trunk, palms and soles of feet, generalized lympthadenopathy, malaise, joint swelling and fever.


No visible signs and symptoms of Syphilis


Affects all body organs, especially brain and heart.

Client has granulomatous lesions (gummas) 

  • Test all clients during pregnancy. 
  • It is passed through the placenta so no need to have a C-Section.
  • Parenteral penicillin G is the treatment during pregnancy

NCLEX alert questions on STIs

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