Kidney Structure and Function

  • The kidney is the size of a fist-protected by the rib cage

  • Surrounded by tough fibrous capsule.
  • The nephron is the functional unit of the kidneys.
  • A glomerulus is a ball of capillaries in a sac called Bowman’s capsule.  The Capillary walls are semipermeable membranes.
  • A semipermeable membrane has pores in the walls that let small substances pass through, but hold larger ones.
  • The dialyzer functions like a nephron.  The fibers inside the dialyzer funtion as a semipermeable membrane.

Excretory Function

  • Excrete or get rid of wastes and excess water as urine
  • Gets rid of waste products produced from metabolism such as toxins and acids that are produced by the breakdown of tissue, food or  drug

Endocrine Function

  • Hormone- chemical made on one part of the body and acts on another part. Hormones act as messengers
  • Kidneys produce two hormones and an enzyme
  • Erythropoietin: tells bone marrow to make RBCs aranesp and epogen
  • Calcitriol: activates Vitamin D to help body absorb calcium- important for strong bones    Zemplar
  • Renin-Enzyme (a protein that causes an effect). Helps control blood pressure