Tube Feedings

Tube Feedings


  • No tube feedings if absent bowel sounds.u00a0 Really, no food is no bowel sounds!
  • Hold if residuals > 100ml
  • Return what you aspirate. It has gastric juices necessary for digestion, plus client will become more alkalinic. Also, think of electrolyte imbalances
  • Flush NG tube with 30-50 ml NS before and after meds
  • Check NG tube placement prior to feeding/meds. Confirm with gastric pH <4.
  • Clamp tube x 30 minutes after meds to increase medication absorption.
  • Semi-fowlers to prevent aspiration
  • In septic or critically-ill clients, the best nutrition is to give tube feedings.u00a0 TPN has greater risk for infection.
  • Again, enteral feedings maintain gut integrity and helps prevent stress ulcers with clients during sepsis and respiratory failure.u00a0 Enteral feedings have lower infection complications as compared to TPN.